I really enjoy curriculum writing assignments with strict
boundaries. They combine all the best parts of ministry with children and all the best things about filling out
tax forms. Yes, I'm serious, I enjoy both of those. I’ve spent two summers
writing church curriculum, and I’ve learned that I really love projects where I
have to fit my ideas and theology and creativity into someone else’s format. Last summer, however, the project I had been
working for wrapped up, and I was pregnant, and we were moving, and no writing
happened. So now, as I am stretching out
of the newborn hibernation, I’m ready to write again.
This afternoon I’m completing/starting several sample
assignments in hopes of landing another curriculum job. It’s a long shot—I’m confident in my writing,
but I know that the economy is tight and these writing jobs are going to go
first to people who already have more experience. And even if I don’t get the job I am having
fun trying to think of little exercises that will fit into the curriculum’s
structure. Writing “max 30 words” is way
harder than writing a whole page.
But, as you’ll notice, I haven’t finished writing my samples
yet. I have, however, procrastinated
away a few minutes of my precious no-kid time in order to add a little
something to the blog.
Until the day I can say I’m an employed writer I can at
least sit at my laptop at Starbucks, with a laptop bag instead of a diaper bag,
and call myself a freelancer.
Hey, you ARE a freelancer!!! If you're calling you that, and I'M calling you that, who else can argue, haha!